Friday, 4 May 2012


ePencil Sketches

Pencil sketches help you to read in art terms and to spell in symbols. Is that cool or what? 
I've admired pencil art sketches for years and since I taught myself how to draw, I decided to take up my next challenge and learn to sketch.

To start, I set about searching through a lot of old art books and I noted everything that made sense to me.
If anyone knows the best way to sketch, it is these artists from the past.

I decided to journal the steps I took to learn pencil sketching and follows  a book called How To Sketch.
It contains all of the most helpful information that I followed, along with some of my pencil sketches plus examples from past artists.

The sketches I show you here do not form part of the book, they are here to show you my progression. 


The Difference Between Drawing and Sketching

If you have ever asked this question, or pondered the difference between drawing and sketching, you will find that everyone has a different answer.

We would say this is a sketch of trees and not a drawing...

Sketching Trees

It's still too neat but I'm getting there and learning how to illustrate things with very few lines.
Here is my interpretation of the differences: 


erence Between Drawing and Sketching

If you have ever asked this question, or pondered the difference between drawing and sketching, you will find that everyone has a different answer.
I would say this is a sketch of trees and not a drawing...

Sketching Trees

It's still too neat but I'm getting there and learning how to illustrate things with very few lines.
Here is my interpretation of the differences: 


  •   To sketch is to translate or record a scene or subject quickly. Your hand should move freely with no regard for neatness or perfection.
  •   Sketching is usually something that is done rapidly in order to capture an instant.
  •   Outlines alone can make up a sketch and they are not meant to be perfect.
Your aim is to capture the absolute basics of your subject, to drill down to its essence.
Here is another pencil sketch of a girl that I copied from an old book.Sketch of a Girl
It didn't take long to finish, I wasn't concerned with background or even if it was proportionate.
To acquire speed, you only need to sketch anything that you're drawn to. When you see some easy sketches, copy them!
Sketching is a versatile hobby, you can make it whatever you want it to be. One thing is certain, it will always be delightful.
  •   You can use any medium to sketch -- pencil, charcoal, ink and wash, whatever you like.
I'd recommend using pencil to learn to sketch, it's a lovely medium and it will allow you to concentrate your efforts on obtaining effect.
  •   Sketches are often used to make a visual note to self.
You can do easy sketches or you can do dedicated sketches with tons of details. Again, the choice is yours and how you want to portray your subject. I'm all for easy! Well, you know how I love to reduce everything to its simplest form.
  •   Pencil sketches are simple and can represent the bones of a drawing.
  •   If you have felt that drawing is a little too complicated, then sketching will be a great alternative for you.
You'll find straightforward information in the link " How To Sketch guide. 


  • Crabapple Drawing  A drawing is done with thought and attention to detail, to arrive at a finished image.
  •   Often a finished drawing has originated from a simple sketch.
I copied this drawing of a crabapple from an art site. It used a fine ink pen and I love this drawing.
You can use both sketching and drawing together in the one image. As the artist, you are the creator and you can decide which effect you want to achieve.
There is no right way or wrong way, it's the spirit inside of you that you listen to.
This  drawing with a combination of drawing and sketching.