Friday, 4 May 2012


The how to sketch guide is unique because it explains the simple concept of sketching based on  own study, experience and progress.
Plus, all the hard work has been done for you, I've collected years and years of fantastic tips and tricks and they're altogether in this occasion.
Once you are shown the basics, it's a life-changing moment when you see you can create a great sketch with just a few strokes!
For example, learning how to sketch trees is easier than drawing trees because sketching is drawing simplified!
See Illustrations ..
In next to no time, you will be comfortable with sketching and actually getting the results you desire.
Visualize yourself depicting a simple reflection of a scene -- it's peaceful, it's just you and Mother Nature -- and you realize you've left behind all stress and worry. Sketching naturally takes care of your mental health and that's a huge benefit.

"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." - Thomas Merton